I wish I had time this week to give the last summer CSA delivery the proper attention it deserves.

When I grabbed it on Thursday from the delivery spot, I barely even had a chance to look it over before we hoped in the car to Chicago for the week. We’re spending the weekend with my family—mainly eating, as per usual—but also engaging in lively debates on all the topics you can possibly think of.

Theo participates as well. Jason and Theo will head back to Madison on Sunday while I stick around for some work through mid-week.

In terms of recipe roundups, I’m pulling together just as much as I possibly can, but to be honest, I’m just grateful that the majority of this week’s basket will last until I’m back on Wednesday. But for those of you with the whole week to cook, here’s what I’m dreaming of:




Jester Squash

Bok Choy




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