It feels like it’s been an extra long week.

I’ll spare you the details, but needless to say I am very much looking forward to spending an entire week up in Door County with my family (we leave on Friday). It’s a little bit nerve wracking to know that there will be 8 (and a 1/2) of us in a house at the tip of Door County with no access to the internet, but maybe, just maybe, we’ll survive.

I don’t know how any of us will prove that we are right during an argument if we cannot immediately find supporting documentation on our iPhones, but it’ll be good to be forced to disconnect for a little bit. No matter how much it may make us twitch.

But before we leave, I’ve got a lot of vegetables to get through, and I’m assuming you do too.

Farmer's Market & CSA Series {Week 13} | Things I Made Today

Here’s some ideas of how to do it:


This blog is apparently not a hotbed of interesting broccoli recipes. For that, let’s turn to some outside sources:

New Potatoes



Heirloom Tomatoes and Cherry Tomatoes


Lacianto Kale


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